Shure N-WHLB NUDE Stylus 2-Pack by Jico

Article number: Jico N-WHLB NUDE 2-Pack
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Jico N-WHLB NUDE 2-Pack

2 Jico N-WHLB NUDE replacement styli for use with Shure Whitelabel Cartridge. A NUDE Tip is used for this product: The entire tip of a NUDE Stylus is composed of diamond, as opposed to bonded tips. The tip angle and round shape are identical to those of a standard bonded tip, while the diameter size is similar in comparison to the SAS series.


Tracking Force: 1.5 – 3.0 g


This is a brand new Jico reproduction set of 2 styli made for use with Shure cartridges.

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