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Tasker shielded Phonocable with REAN connectors (1.2m)
Tasker shielded Phonocable with REAN connectors (1.2m)
Tasker / REAN Phono cable (1.2m)
Tasker shielded special O.F.C. C121 signal cable: fully shielded signal cable with low capacity (less than 100 pF), which is also easy to use because of it's 9mm outter diameter and flexibility. This cable is equipped with REAN NYS-series Gold RCA connectors with gold plated contacts, antikink protection by use of rubber boots and chuck type strain relief.
This phonocable is an ideal way to upgrade the stock phonocables that you find on many turntables, like the Technics 1200 series. Especially when using quality hi-fi / high-end cartridges, you will hear a vast improvement of the sound.
Specs Cable:
- Type kabel: Tasker C121 2x0,25 – 23 AWG - O.F.C. Supreme Shielded Flat Cable
- Core: O.F.C. red copper formation 8x0,20 mm. / Nom. Cross section 2x0,25 mm2.
- Core Insulation in compact PE, colored one Red and one White. Diameter: Ø 2,3 mm.
- The single conductors are shielded with O.F.C. red copper spiral covering 100%.
- Soft touch PVC outter sleeve
- Outer cable Dimension: 9 mm
- Cable length: 1.2 meter
Specs connectors:
- Type connetors #1: 2x REAN NYS373 - RCA
- Type connectors #2: none (open end)
- Connector material: gold-plated REAN® NYS-serie Gold RCA contacts
- Rubber boots offer antikink protection
- Chuck type strain relief
- Connector colour (housing): black
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